Friday, September 29, 2006

holy moly!!

i know i'm the only one who cares but...we didn't have pizza for dinner tonight!!! lol. for family night. we had chinese food instead! yaaaaaaaay!
if you've read my blog at all you'll know why this is such a big deal.
that's all.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


i'm begining to think that if i order the opposite of what i actually want, that i might end up with what i really want. because everytime i order a cheese quessadilla with jalapeno sauce from taco bell, i get no stinkin jalapeno sauce! and given the sauce is my favorite part of the quesadilla and that's what i really want, it's kinda frutraiting that they would mess that up every time i specifically ask for it.
i remember back when i used to order just bean and cheese burritos, WITHOUT sause and onions, how they would ALWAYS put sause and onions. now i get it without cheese but with sauce and onions, and they don't add those things. stupid people at taco bell. stop messing with my head!
ANYWAY. back to my theory! i think if i use reverse pychology on them (say no jalapeno sauce) i might actually get what i want!!!

pluto's revenge

Monday, September 25, 2006

beach daaay

today is my dad's birthday! so my familia went to the beach. it was really nice :)
here's a picture i took...
there were a lot of these cool little birds running around... so i took a picture of a whole mob of them (maybe a 'flock'? w/e it's a mob!). also in the water they saw stingrays, dolphins, sharks, lots of fish, and a sea lion 0_o

Saturday, September 23, 2006

defective candy

soo after work the other day i went to the store and bought 2 things. a thing of non-permanant black hair dye, and a bag of candy corn (yay for seasonal candy). i don't get it any other time of the year, even though they sell it year round.
well. the candy corn is pretty much like eating wax. and it's "guaranteed fresh" so i guess this particular brand just sucks.. bleh.
and i tried the hair dye today. i figure a few weeks of having black hair might be cool... so yeah. it didn't work. i didn't mess up on the directions (cuz i'm OCD like that, i read directions like 5 times to get it right!) so now i just have very dark brown hair... oh well, it's cool :)
OH! and freaking ESS finally called me back about yet another job interview! and you know what i say to them? screw you! i got a waaaaaaay better job! (okay no, i didn't really say that, don't worry) but yeah, i think i'm allowed to be a little frustraited with a company who allows their hireing process to take a full freakin year. not three months. A YEAR. because i turned in my application fall 2005. if i were living on my own i'd have died by now.
anyway.. i think i need to draw stuff now.

Friday, September 22, 2006

man bites panda

panda bites man. man bites panda back. ahhh i see..... no wait. no.
in other news... i drew a hot azn guy today :3

then my scanner ate him......... ;-; so it looks like poo...

Thursday, September 21, 2006

for the sake of my memory...

well, working hard.. got paid yesterday :D about 6 more months of saving up and i should have enough for a used car! weee~
so i went to deposite my check, and the lady at the bank pretty much told me i don't look 18 XD!!! and here i'm going to be 19 in less than a month! that is sad... i guess i don't really feel that old either... *sigh* maybe i just won't grow up.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


hey guess what, kids! today is talk like a pirate day! yep. aren't you glad to know that? now you can walk around calling people 'matey' and saying 'savvy' and all that good stuff :D i know you're excited!
and my family from texas left this morning......while i was sleeping.. didn't get to say bye :( oh well... hahaha

hmm, that's all... no one likes me anymore i guess...
oh well...

Monday, September 18, 2006

tallyho g.i.joe!

well, yesterday all my plans got changed...
ended up not going to old town and casa de pico..
went to jalapeños and meg and bobby's house to swim instead
course i didn't swim... so i was bored outta mi cabeza! XD
i played on the piano for like half an hour....
and mom was kinda bored and she wanted her drugs (starbucks), so we went to go find her some (with the excuse that we were getting relish for the hotdogs?).. ended up getting lost on the way (even though she drives around here all the time!), and going into the wrong store not realising it was the wrong store till she walked in! (i thought maybe she had a reason to go here and just didn't tell me?) lol ..i blame my addict mother. i told her she should let me drive, but noooo... anyway.. that was my adventure.
was invited to a party with jaunny's family (the whole huuuge filipino family) buut since i had to do my own family things (which ended up not being all that familyish) i couldn't go :(
anywho. went back to meg and bobby's.. was bored for forever (drew this picture). we finally left sometime after 10...
now everyone else is at the beach.. i'm sitting this one out. i need to take a shower when there aren't 10,000,000 other people in the house needing to use the bathrooom. plus i haven't gotten any work done since they've been here... sooo yeah. they are leaving sometime this evening i think. it's been fun.... but i'll be happy to be able to walk around the house in my pj's again..

Saturday, September 16, 2006

don't do drugs, kids.

did you know it's a $500 fine or 6 months in jail for spitting off of the sky rail thingie at the zoo? yep. pretty crazy. i forgot to say so yesterday...
anyway. for today's sight-seeing adventure with our cousins from texas we went to cabrillo and point loma... so they could look at the ocean and stand on the cliffs and see the tide pools and all that good stuff... benjamin got yelled at for climbing on some hill....the officer said it was a $50 dollar fine...if he caught him doing it again. and all his little friends too (them being my cousins).. heh.. lame. luckily he didn't have to pay. and there were like 5 weddings going on... apparently everyone wants to get married up on the cliffs by the ocean. some advice for you if you ever go to one of those weddings. don't wear a short dress.. even knee lengh can be dangerous if it's loose. megan got totally flashed by some chick...and yeah.... you don't want to be that chick that is flashing everyone, do you?
my legs are so freakin tired.. from walking so much the last few days. sheeshh.. how do toursits stay so fat?! XD lol, i'm such a meany...

Friday, September 15, 2006

so sick

most of you know about my friday night ritual of "family night"... if you don't, basically all it is is every friday my family eats pizza while we watch movies. usually we'll have ice cream or some sort of dessert as well. and i must say, i am REALLY getting tired of pizza every friday. usually i'm so hungry by the time it comes i don't care... but it's just getting gross! and i was just thinking about that and came up with a little spin off of neyo's song 'so sick'. the chorus just came to me.. and i attempted to make up stuff for the rest.. and i did, but it was sub par. so! here's the chorus. :D

and i'm so sick of pizza, so tired of grease
so done with wishing that i had got cheese
said i'm so sick of pizza, so big and gross
so why can't i just get some tacos?

yep, that's it. welcome to my life...

yippy skippy

ended up taking my cousins to the zoo instead of the beach. cuz it wasn't really good beach weather today.. was interesting. annnd i've lost my motivation for writing at the moment. i'm so sick of pizza. ugh... also don't get the nachos at the zoo. they are gross.
but yeah... saw the pandas.. i ♥ pandas. and saw other stuff too... basically anything cute and furry, i like... meerkats are cute. and koalas.. i like those.. they sleep up to 20 hours a day sometimes.... i think we'd get along quite well :) annd yeah. blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah....... okay i'm done talking. i'm beat. goodnight world.

oh joy n stuff

wellp, my uncle and aunt and 4 cousins are here now.. came last night. was interesting. they drove here, after doing a butt load of sightseeing between here and texas (and apparently stopping in las vegas XD ..little out of the way) so everyone was all tired.. save for my uncle. he was double OC. and speaking of outta control.... apparently we're going to the beach today.. and it's like 60 something degrees outside XD bleh.. not good beach weather. then probably some sight-seeing type stuff...even though i've seen it all a million times ^^; oh well..... should be fun.

the classic crime

i'm drowning
but i don't care
cuz when you've got what i've got
who needs air?

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

oh my good golly gosh!!

apparently i'm the only one who is ever home and bored these days... even with work :/ how sad...
but if there is someone else out there who is bored... this is a great website to waste time at!
my favorites one is goldminer... the others aren't too bad either. i'm good at the chinese checkers one.. annnd yeah................
wow... i feel like such a loser today :(

well thaat's noice!

wow. thanks photobucket..... hope it's fixed before anyone sees this mess...
and wow again! i just noticed i've been on blogger for a year now. hmm... yeah wow.. time sure is flying by.. except when i'm bored, that is.. then it's draaaaags on forevvvuur! ugh. go figure.
should be an interesting week coming up here.. some of my family from texas is coming out on thursday... my uncle on my dad's side, his wife and their 4 kids... meaning there will be 12 people living in my house for a while.... so yeah. i'm sure you'll hear about it.

Monday, September 11, 2006


welllll i guess today is september 11th.. 5th anaversary of you know what... and i don't really have anything to say about that. XD omg i'm so bad! *hides*
my 19th birthday is in about a month... october 18th if you didn't know. and wow, my last year being a teenager.....hmm... can't deside if that's good or not :/ dunno what i'm gonna do for my birthday yet... it's on a work day.had a good weekend! ^_^ and i think i've just about had my fill of teriyaki for a while. *everyone gasps* omgz it's teh end of the wurld!!! lol jk. had it two days in a row...from the same place! huuuge bowl of it.. it was super good though.
work is going fine... still haven't thought about going back to school again. enjoying the break. i'm learning a little french on my down time... figure if i'm gonna travel i should know more than english, spanish, and japanese ^^; yeah... go me.
kay that's all bye bye! ♥

Saturday, September 09, 2006

somewhere in heaven...

"Somewhere in heaven, a very groggy, very confused angel has just woken up and is trying to figure out why a boisterous Australian man is poking it with a stick." -zihuatanejo

too friggin cute not to post! and don't get me wrong! i feel bad for his family and everything... that's so sad that he died. i am gonna go to austrailia one day... now i won't get to see him :( ..and not to make light of the whole thing or anything.. i just find this cute, because it's so true XD you know he totally would!
and no, i didn't draw this (wish i had!).. i found this littol beauty on deviantART. gotta love it! <3 (r.i.p. croc hunter)

Friday, September 08, 2006

dandy like candy

well mi madre e padre are back safe and sound from africa. funny. 3 weeks didn't seem long at all. here's some pictures from their safari.. it's funny how the terain looks a lot like the lake area over here by my house. they got to pet a cheetah at the game reserve.. i'd post a picture of that but i dunno if they want pics of themselves all over the internet ;) lol.. you know how some people are about their pictures... so yeah. here's a picture of the cheetah, and a mysterious hand petting it. they brought me a neat shirt and necklace... annd some nice chocolate from our english friends who were with them.. dad jokingly told us it was made with babboon milk, AND WE BELIEVED HIM!! lol... it was good. ^^
other than that... i updated my shop a bit... check it out! hmmm... k, nothing else to say...

Thursday, September 07, 2006

aww, i'm shy..

You Are 56% Shy

Although you live a pretty normal life, you tend to be a fairly shy person.
Many situations make you feel uncomfortable, and you sometimes find your shyness hindering your life.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

so far, so good

The quest to make a new template continues...

i keep trying to make the text bigger and it's still reeeally small... hmm. other than that i think i'm happy with it for now. maybe i'll add something here or there later on. or change it all together. that seems to be happening a lot.. lol.

i want to go here one day: shinjuku, tokyo. looks like fun :)

oh and work meeting again today.. boooring. 3 hours of listening to people argue about website layout/design. it's amazing the little things that go into that sort of thing.. that you don't even notice!
but anyway, i survived the boredom. and my parents get back from africa in a few days. maybe i'll get some pics off mom's camera and post them?


oh boy!

about to undergo some template changes...shanell, since you're the only one who reads this.. lol. so don't freak out if something doesn't look quite right yet. i'm gonna make it look awesome! :D

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


it's hot and gross in san diego again. what is going on!?
and megan and michelle are making dinner (lord help us) and they left to go to the store XD and LEFT a pot of water on the stove.. so gee i guess i'll babysit dinner :/ since i'm hungry. but wait! you left children here for me to watch too?! with all the doors wide open to get rid of this confounded HEAT! XD thaaats safe. thanks for telling me. ...mostly kidding about the lord help us bit *runs to go check the boiling water*, i cheated and ate some nachos... but i'm still hungry, soo they won't be mad at me...hopefully. blaaah... why is my life so boring!?!?!?!? and why won't my computer ever work properly?!?!! so frustraiting.... i don't even have anything interesting to post about :(

Monday, September 04, 2006


a day in the life of me:
6:27 AM - a rude awakening from my sister asking me if i want to go hiking. hmm, lets see... hiking at 7 AM on a holiday?...erm no. i think i'll sleep, thanks.
10:14 AM - woken up again. they are back from hiking. going somewhere else. do i want to go? nah
10:59 AM - get up.
11:15 AM - get up for reals.
11:39 AM - check e-mail and computer stuff... nothing interesting, as usual ;-; steve irwin died.. that kinda sucks.
11:55 AM - made a quesadilla ^_^
12:06 PM - take a shower...after cleaning everyone's beach stuff out of the tub... uuugh.
12:42 PM - do dishes....while jamming out to some music! (only way to wash dishes)
1:13 PM - check computer again... still nothing new :/ i give up
1:29 PM - did some laundry
1:43 PM - play some metroid... the second one for gamecube? echos or some such? anyway... samus rocks my socks.
3:23 PM - my sister informs me she needs apricot jelly.
3:56 PM - finally find a saving point in the game!! arg.
4:19 PM - we drive to the grocery store to get apricot jelly
4:23 PM - found the freakin jelly
4:27 PM - decided there wasn't really anything cool to look at in the grocery store
4:30 PM - check out line.. i got a butterfingers ice cream thingie.. and our phone number wouldn't work for the discount thingie.. lame.
4:34 PM - leave the grocery store. some weird asian guys loitering outside the store made weird sounds at us..... guys are so dumb T.T
4:50 PM - rockin out in the mini van! woot! also i ate my ice cream.. it was good.
5:00 PM - challenge sister to a game of super smash bros. melee. i own. cept at bonus mode.. i suck at that. but i'm good at coin apparently? hmm. anyway. i still own.
5:37 PM - cerial brake! mmm.. eggo waffle cinnamon cerial :D
5:45 PM - we watch count of monte cristo.. i saw it once a long time ago.. so didn't remember most of it. also had some nachos..
6:36 PM - more computer...
7:03 PM - here i lost my memory
8:23 PM - played an mmorpg.... cuz i'm a nerd like that.
11:02 PM - typed up this rediculous recount of my day today.. guessing what time i did what i did.. probably forgot a few things too...oh well.
disclaimer: keep in mind today was a holiday! lol.. i'm not always that lazy..

Saturday, September 02, 2006

welly well well wellers

gee.. beach yesterday, then ice skating today.. fun stuff. so far having both my parents away in africa isn't so bad ^_^ it's actually going by real fast! heh