Thursday, June 29, 2006

future quest

kind of a gay name for a youth conference... although i did see "friendship street" on the way there... that was pretty gay too. lol... but anyway. i'm really enjoying this conference so far.. it has taught me a lot... and has inspired in many a ways. for instance, it has inspired me to spoon peoples front yards...with forks. and go on road trips with my youth group... cuz for some reason we never have! just semi long car rides. and also i learned that running in to barbed wire fences is "hardcore". and you should play chess I MEAN chase with God. oh and i learned a cool way to ride in elevators. infact, shanell and i are gonna take a road an elevator... and spoon the elevator...with forks. yup. cuz we're hardcore like that. even though we don't run into barbed wire fences. mmmmhmm. k that's it for now. i get to get up tomorrow and do it all again. yaaay

1 comment:

shanellephant said...

hahahahaha. we soo ARE. dang. thats gonna be the best road trip evaaaa. you smell something?[insert 2465 minutes of uncontrolable laughter]. [then, maybe insert 27 angry females staring you down like a gazelle during mating season.] what?!? ew. why did that sound odd? oops. thats hardcore!
