Tuesday, December 05, 2006

japan's plan to solve the american obesity issue:

the Wii. lets make the fat gamers get up and excersise! yaaaay. heh, just thought i'd point this out...

lol. they have a thing set up at the mall where you can play the wii XD it was so funny watching people play. you have to feel somewhat self concious doing that... in the middle of the mall.

yeah i went to the mall in december...i must be suicidal XD lol.. it wasn't too bad today tho, cuz it's tuesday and stuff. and i'm so excited ^__^ i found a specific gift i was wanting to get for someone! i asked in like 3 different stores if they had it... they just looked at me dumb and told me no :( but i finally found it!! horray for strange memorabillia type stuff :) heh.

before that i went to class day (school) with everyone... that was kinda fun. watched them do the christmas play and everything. and saw some old friends.. that's always interesting.

annd yeah.. that's it for now~


mel said...

no. not really...

mel said...

yeah there was a line of people outside the game store in the mall today.. i assume they were waiting for some sort of game system.. >.>