Wednesday, June 20, 2007

ford morons - beauty tips from the pros?

oh the ford models... giving me beauty tips on the most intricate and
detailed of beauty secrets! such as:
1. "i like to use lip's really great for like, exfoliating my make them exfoliated." and
2. "i like to use a i can see my self."
yep, sheer model genious. thanks girls. where would i be without you?

oh right.. probably at my local drug store buying my average person beauty products that apparently don't work? but since you've convinced me that your expensive stuff is "like sooo amazing", i guess i'll just HAVE to go to france right now and buy it all! hmmm. no.

1 comment:

Johnny said...

I read that as Ford Mormons. lol I can't imagine that. And maybe you just need to put out a makeup line for everyday people, a practical type of thing, not 'look like a stunning supermodel' change the philosophy of it ^_^X