Friday, February 17, 2006


i was gonna post about something.. but i forgot what it was ^^; OH WELLZ!!! here's some awesome cosplay pics for you. <3

yeah you bite that fairy!! haha

umm, yeah...

i don't know theses people, i'm just putting these pictures here cuz they are funny...annnd because i forgot what i was gonna post ^^;



shanellephant said...

hmmmmmmm...i love it when you post random pictures of random people...?

Johnny said...

haha... forgetful, but it's okay ^_^X if it's important, yull remember :P

Anyways, yay Zelda cosplay! haha... I know you have tons to post about, just do it in notepad and save it occassionally so if you get inturrupted by people, memory dumps or whatever, you can still have your post saved!

I <3 you even when you forget, as long as you remember once in a while ;)