Friday, March 31, 2006


incase anyone cares.. i went to the emergency room late last night. was throwing up blood and stuff... and on top of having a sore throat, a cold/cough, runny nose, and a fever, and chills all this week, let me just tell wasn't fun. basically i payed (since i'm 18) $100 for the doctor to tell me i have some kind of virus and there was nothing he could do to cure it and i'd just have to wait it out... wait probably a freakin 10-14 days. so i came home and puked my freakin insides out all night long... i'm down to 95 pounds now. blah blah blah. good news is i'm doing a little better this morning... i've never been so happy to drink gatorade before in my life! but unless some kind of mirical happens you probably won't see me at church sunday. pray for me please.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


stayed home from class today... stupid sore throat. i can't swallow, so to take medicine i crushed it up into some water. i don't recomend doing that.. oh man, nastiest thing ever! bleh...

Sunday, March 26, 2006


doing much better now ^_^ i think that was the fastest i've ever gotten over something like that with the fever and everything. yay! school in the morning... bleh. doing something with pen and ink tomorrow.. should be interesting. i need snack money...i don't like being the typical poor/BROKE college student. also one who can't spell. boo! study hard in school kids, so you don't end up like me! ♥

Saturday, March 25, 2006


boo, this sucks.. i hate being sick AND in pain at the same time. not fun.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

spring break

the perfect opportunity to.....

learn how to insult people in french!!

new look!

not so sure i like it... it's a pre-made layout. the only thing i don't like about it is how this part is so compressed... i made it bigger but then it wouldn't scroll for some reason. so till i learn how to make that work - ta da! it was frustraiting.. i must have tried like 10 different ones (and i didn't have much of a selection mind you!) and the ones i really was made so you couldn't leave comments! and some of them i didn't figure this out till after i'd gone to all the trouble of editing them... some i edited so much i almost could have taken the makers link off of it cuz it was practically mine! but this one isn't really edited much... so yeah.. it's just temporary till i find something better. TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK! ♥

Thursday, March 16, 2006

another fun thing!

for those of you who are bored a lot online... i bring you---the amazing super-duper find your celeb lookalike o-matic!
lol, not really... it's pretty fun though! just not very acurate... i mean it kept saying i looked like all these asian model/actress/singer chicks XDD lol, but oh well.. i don't really mind that i guess ^^ ANYWAY, it's just a demo, but it does the job! it gives you a few matches for each picture.. some are like totally crazy! (like that lovely pic above..haha! don't know how they got that) go on, give it a go! you gotta sign up and stuff, but it's cool..

click on "try it now!" (duh)

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

well, only good thing about today was that i don't have another art class till after spring break next week and i got samurai sam's for lunch. mmmm, finally ^__^

and this is pretty cool... it's a slogan genorator. the cool thing is, you can put in any word at all! like your name! it's big heap fun fo sho. so yeah... go sloganize your name!

Saturday, March 04, 2006
