Tuesday, March 21, 2006

new look!

not so sure i like it... it's a pre-made layout. the only thing i don't like about it is how this part is so compressed... i made it bigger but then it wouldn't scroll for some reason. so till i learn how to make that work - ta da! it was frustraiting.. i must have tried like 10 different ones (and i didn't have much of a selection mind you!) and the ones i really liked...it was made so you couldn't leave comments! and some of them i didn't figure this out till after i'd gone to all the trouble of editing them... some i edited so much i almost could have taken the makers link off of it cuz it was practically mine! but this one isn't really edited much... so yeah.. it's just temporary till i find something better. TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK! ♥

1 comment:

mel said...

well here's me commenting so you know you can...