Monday, November 27, 2006


well, i finally got around to signing up for my classes this year.. i'm doing life drawing & composition (aka: the class where you draw naked people). i need to improve my anatomy drawing skills. i haven't decided on other classes yet, but i'll sign up later. i don't know how i'll do much school with working 30 hours a week anyway... i'm so lazy. normally i'm not into new year's resolutions (why bother, right?) but i guess if i have one it will be to start going to bed and getting up at regular times. like bed at 11pm up at 8am. that sounds do-able. i just need to buy better sleep drugs.... or something. ugh.
i don't want a lot for christmas this year.. i'm having trouble coming up with a list. really so far it's just stuff i need... like a car (i don't know why i even put it on there. no one will get me one), an mp3 player of some kind... because college art classes are so boooring without some kind of music playing for when you have to draw for 2 hours strait. and the only other thing on my list right now is a 2007 callender. which i'm sure i'll get like 5 of, cuz it's the only thing affordable... heh.

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