Tuesday, November 28, 2006

soggy couches are in.

i really like looking at professionally done interior design stuff... like the show rooms in ikea and such. maybe cuz it'll be a long time before i can do anything like that... but anyway!
was looking at this article today and saw this picture:

and i was like, yeah that's really pretty... nice little sitting area out on the patio/roof/whatever.. i wish i had something like that-- wait! what happens when it rains? those couches would get all soggy... ew. wow that would suck. kinda impractical. actually a lot of interior decorating is just rediculous. it isn't for real people. it's for people who are never home... who don't have any personality or STUFF. because you know in those pictures everything is always so CLEAN! where is all their stuff?! it can't sit out unless it matches the color of the room... so maybe it wouldn't be so fun to have a perfectly done house... haha.


shanellephant said...

you bring up some excellent points. and i have nothing further to say on the subject.

shanellephant said...

i am also not a very good conversationalist. buuuuuuuuuuut 5094752040.just.in.case.plafta.