Thursday, January 11, 2007

i broke my hair and my guitar pick hurts.

i'm kind of upset right now. "why?" you might ask. well... my hair hurts. yeah you read that right, my hair hurts. not my head. my freaking HAIR!!! gah! why do only boys read my blog now?! no one will understand!! you put your hair in a ponytail for a few hours and then for some reason when you take it down it HURTS!!!!! like putting your hair up reverses the growth pattern and so now it feels like it's growing down into my skull. ... ...
seriously, wtf?!

also i broke my favorite guitar pick today... the red fender one ;-; it's so pittiful looking...sitting there all snapped in half. i'd take a picture if i had a camera... but i don't. i couldn't even find a picture of one like it on the interwebs! (and that's saying a lot because finding crap online is what i do for a living).
i'd gladly take some of these hello kitty ones though! ^___^
happy un-birthday, melissa!

1 comment:

Johnny said...

lol I can undertand, it's the hair folicles, when they've been a certain way a long time then you move em it kinda hurts, like if I've had my hair spiked all day and try to move the hair it hurts.

It doesn't hurt when I wash out my hair in the shower, but I suppose you can't shower every time you take out your ponytail heh.

And maybe a special someone will get you those picks by next Sunday ;)