Wednesday, February 21, 2007

ramblings before work..

i almost have enough money to buy my first car!! i feel like a workaholic for sure.. then after i buy it i'll have to work to pay for get to pay for gas... and the cycle continues. so lame. oh and probably pay the car off, unless i can find one that's $3000...
ah but i'm sure i'll be rich one day.. and i'll probably always live bellow my means. i'll be the eccentric billionaire who lives in a regular house and wears regular clothes, but buys something totally crazy now and then :) lol.
or i'll just travel.. that would be cool.
i think i'm pretty good at shopping and getting good deals.. today i got some hair stuff, make up, chocolates, and lunch.. all for like $7.
megan says we have to go get ice cream now :3 because it's actually warm today...

1 comment:

Johnny said...

hehe I'd probably do the same :3 the only thing I'd spend tons of money on is an awesome car or even a medium one to work on myself. :3 Car soon! one step closer to being out on the world by yourself! I need to start saving too :3