Friday, October 05, 2007

went back in time.

the weirdest thing happened to me this morning! i stayed up till like 2am last night.. even tho i have to be at work before 11am.. so i have to get up by at least 10am. so i got up at [what i thought was] 10. got dressed and everything in record time. then go out to the kitchen and my sister is all "it's not even 10 yet" that's weird. i got up at 10... didn't i? told her the clock was wrong. went and looked at the VCR. 9:30. wtf?! go to my room where i swear i saw 10 on the clock... 9:41. (we keep it a little fast). so i figure since i have soo much time i'll turn on my computer to find out the truth. because the computer never lies... 8:34. HOLY CRAP!! *double click* november 4th 8:35 AM... okay really. who is playing a trick on me? jeez. so yeah.. my phone was dead, so couldn't check that. but at least it has time to charge now.
so that was my freaky sci-fi morning... (i think) it's 10:06 now, and i could have had another hour of sleep before work. :( what a waste.

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