Tuesday, November 01, 2005


holy crappoli! it's november already!! XD geez, that means almost 2006...i'm i the only one feeling overwhelmed by this? that means i start collage classes in two months. booo! lame. i wonder what i should take? (and why haven't i been thinking about this more? ...why am i such a procrastinator?) *sigh*

go see my new art site! http://october-lilly.deviantart.com/ here's a preview:

i'm leaning more towards realism with this site... not all portraits like this one, don't worry. i'm going to be trying lots of new things... i just have to find things to try. heh, but yeah... new is good, right? any suggestions for stuff to draw? any at all? i'm totally open!

~ inspire me! ~

and i'm still willing to design stuff for people... click here for details


mel said...

i actually don't like doing things at the last minute... it just always happens that way for some reason.

and well, to be honest it didn't really sound all that interesting...and then i forgot ^^; sorry.

Johnny said...

Hey man, if you wanna blow off steam, do it somewhere else.

And as for an artist not taking an idea given, if the artist is not inspired, the art will suck anyway, so don't get mad and take it personally for her not taking an idea you presented. She's not obligated to take any suggestion/commission, she's not running a business. Don't accuse her of misguided focus or critisize her business.