Monday, January 02, 2006

Manigong bagong taon

(means "happy new year"...? Hindi ko alam tagalog ^^;; hehe)

yesterday was pretty much the best day i've had all year.... *pause for effect- no one gets joke* okay so it was the first day of the year... but it was a good one, really.

new years eve (saturday): my lame family didn't want to go to any parties or even stay up till 12 (buncha fun nazis!!) i had my own little party (okay, no i didn't.) but i stayed awake still 2 something... mostly because i couldn't sleep due to my crazy neighbors screaming and setting off fireworks (and who knows what else) in my front yard!! (or at least it sounded like it)

new years day (sunday): church as usual. i was tired, but it was good. then got some quality hangout time w/ a bunch of friends. we ate lunch at souplantation (wonton chicken happiness, mmmm ^_^). my friend put "balsamic vinaigrette" in my root beer... and i didn't even really notice it till he told me -- after i drank it like twice!! XD lol, he's so weird...but then, i'm the one who drank vinegar without even noticing... haha. so we decided if all of us are ever on fear factor or one of those shows, that they'd pick me to drink the gross stuff....(thanks guys). anyway, then we went and chilled at my friend's house for a few hours. played some video games (good times. always). then went to see king kong (my second time) and it was still awesome! all sundays should be that way...

2nd day of the new year (today): omg, my little brother is 13 years old today!! *sniff* they grow up so fast XD ..i imagine we'll probably go out for lunch somewheres later... and then i get to bake teh cake in wrap teh gifts. oh happy day..... rain makes me you get no random links or pictures today...i think you'll live though. cheers~


Johnny said...

yuumm, erz.

*laughs at yur joke* heh... Best day for me too. Top ten of last year too. Hard to think of every day last year...

and 1. your welcome for the drink enhancement

and 2. hunter that night, I will not forget. My kids will hear about that.

Here's to a new year lily! *cheers your unenhanced drink* ^_^X

shanellephant said...

dang! i live for those random links...i totally got the joke in the was rather hilarious.