Tuesday, January 24, 2006

words of wisdom:

if you're ever in an art class (or anywhere for that matter) and someone says "today we're going to do something called contour drawing", GET UP AND RUN!!

lol, no i'm just kidding. class yesterday was interesting... worked on contour art. interesting stuff... definitely something new that i haven't done before -- which is good! the teacher had us draw random stuff like our left shoe, some branches, and keys all without lifting the pencil from the paper (which is harder than it sounds!) and no erasing allowed! then there's blind contour... crazy. no looking at your paper, no lifting your pencil, and obviously no erasing. (i didn't even bother scanning those drawings) fun stuff...

my homework is only 30% complete... and it's due tomorrow morning (off to a bad start already)

the teacher is interesting. yesterday she was talking about how anyone can draw with proper instruction and how you don't have to be very skilled to draw well (which i agree with). but when she said that there is no such thing as "God given ability or talent" and that it's all "a bunch of BS" that kinda rubbed me the wrong way... she's a bit newage-ish. also she said we might do some meditation before class to "find our center" and to "help us focus"... eww, weird. so yeah, this is gonna be interesting. i'm not sure if there are any other christians in the class. pray for me guys!

oh and i have a cold!! bleh (eye deed ah tissue for by dose XD)

feeling pessimistic?

1 comment:

Johnny said...

haha, you did pretty well ^_^X hah, what if someone was wearing sandals? :P

Anyways, God given ability/talent does exist, she crazy, you just gotta open your eyes to see it.