Wednesday, July 11, 2007

violent sneezing, jobs and jeeps

today i sneezed so hard that i hit my face/hand on a chair. don't ask how. i really don't know, but i covered my face with my hand, so my finger took most of the blow. :( ...i don't think i have alergies?

i don't know why i'm applying for my summer job half way through summer...poor planning on my part. applying at a local beauty supply place and the grocery store. mostly because the ice cream places were already done hiring. so we'll see where i end up. since i'm starting college again in the fall.

the plan is:

  • take more art classes, graphic and web design classes, and some business and marketing classes
  • then use the skillz i aquire from those to further my online selling prowess on ...and whatever else i come up with.
  • and eventually rule the world and/or become a billionare
yep, i think it'll work out... >:D bwahahaha

also, going to look at a car for me today!!!!! actually it's a jeep cherokee. i'm so excited!! i like the idea of a jeep because then i can put my surfboards on top and go to the beach! so i'm really hoping it'll work out!

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