Monday, September 26, 2005

surf day!

so yeah, there's my sis and me... aren't we hot? NOT. (picture not mine) haha, we did go surfing this morning. nice day for it definitly... well, it was sunny anyway. (water: cold as always - no luck there) and yeah, caught one or two good waves, and one killer which i'm sad to say my sis and i both ate it big time on. not even "wipe out," it was more like crash and burn and nearly die. we were out waiting for the perfect wave, looking all cool and stuff sitting on our boards like pros *snicker*, and then it came...had to be at least a 5 footer! (rare that time of day...especially for torrey pines) i'm guessing of course, but looking over the top it sure was a long drop before i hit the water. head first. then into natures washing machine as they say... i thought we took the last in the set, but lo and behold, we both come up for air after the water stopped spinning, only to get pounded like 4 more times before we could really stop and catch our breath. on the second one i got hit in the head with my board >_< but i think i'm okay now...
and in other news, i finally got my cinnabon (twice actually) was good. yay! i wish there was one closer to my house. i'd sooo work there! but alas, the quest to find a job is at a stand still. perhaps i shall take up the life of a beach bum? my surfing skills would probably improve = )
peace out. xoxoxo


jenni~ru said...

I'm sooo jealous, I want to become a pro surfer like you!!!

Johnny said...

I wish I could surf, or have time to learn anyways... Maybe you could be a beach bum and land yourself a hot boyfriend with money and not have to work XD I guess I could become a concert pianist and land myself a rich opera going girl so I don't have to work... >.> XD I guess those aren't good reasons or ways to choose, eh?

Anyways, sounds like you had fun apart from getting sloshed around ^_^X

mel said...

jenni-ru: haha, you must be being sarcastic, cuz i'm no pro. whatever happened to going and getting lessons sometime, huh?

johnny: you should make time!! oh yeah, sure, why not? lol, is that all you ever think about?

Shanon said...

i miss cinnabon and starbucks...oh...and all of you! tell your mother to return my call at the's about getting you guys signed up on another missions trip (we're doing TJ again, but not the same place :(
just have her call me
love you all!