Thursday, September 29, 2005

my latest money making schemes

lol, okay not really... but i'm hoping..... ^_^

come buy my stuff on!

if you haven't heard of this site, basically, you start a little shop and they put your designs on stuff and sell it for you ^_^ it's no where near being finished... my problem is that untill i make enough to buy an upgrade i can only have one of each product in my shop.... making it harder to sell things. and i have sooo many pictures and designs i want to put up!! and for some reason it's not letting me add any more things tonight... so if you go look now, there are like two designs on a few different things (t-shirts, mugs, buttons, bags, hats, etc...) but they aren't my best; i can promise you that! i'll be sure and say something once it's updated. that's one of the designs up there... the character is japanese for "beauty".
but yeah anyway, since i am currently oh so unemployed and not really making any progress in changing that fact, i figure i can find another means of income ^_^ yay! wish me luck! (or better yet, buy something!)

love and peace <3


jenni~ru said...

Hey Mel, that's a really good idea! You should keep it up. I will buy something once I have an income again. Meanwhile, you should put a permanent link on your sidebar so people can link from there instead of just a single post that they might never see again.
Lotsa Love,

mel said...

thanks jenni! i'll do that right now ^_^

Johnny said...

hmm. I'd love to help, buuuut... Maybe I'll buy one for a girl XD Well... oh well! lol, you should put one thing up for guys to to broaden your appeal! Just businessminded thinking ^_^X

mel said...

lol, maybe i will! but in the mean time, girls like presents :D

Shanon said...

that's awesome...very creative.
i may get around to buying something when i get over being a pooooor student!
