Wednesday, June 14, 2006


so.... here's the thing.

dad went out of town.

shortly thereafter we ran out of toilet paper.
we keep extra toilet paper in the garage.

we can't find the garage key.

dad had the garage key last.

we think dad took it out of town with him.

by accident?


fortunately we were at a friend's house last night and they were kind enough to spare us some toilet paper for untill we can go buy some. lol, that's kinda sad really ^^ but kind of them..

oh and also i got a call for my second interview for ESS!! soo that'll be this friday. man, all these freakin interviews and phone calls and things!! it can't just be easy can it?


MATT said...

Uh-oh no poop for you!

shanellephant said...

wow matt. wow. melissa. dont listen to matt. if you have to poop, go right ahead.

i hate it when we run outta toilet paper. it always happens to me. which tends to get pretty frustrating. and old. why me? what did i do to deserve this?!?

and ESS..why does EVERYBODY at church work there? have fun. i dont do well with children, so i wouldnt be able to do it...go you.