Wednesday, June 21, 2006


that took forever!! craaaazy stuff that dentistry. just an evaluation/cleaning for me today. i went to a different dentist then i usually do, and found lots of lovely things... looks like i need a few fillings, and a root cannal, and a crown or two.. yep, just dandy. and they recommend i stop drinking soda *sob*

lol. dentist jargon is funny ^^; ever just listen to them talk about your teeth? decalcification on the distal of 14. 3 buccal (sounds like "buckle") outer occlusal on the mesial of 24, M.O.D. on 30.. XD whatever man!

the lady who cleaned my teeth was funny too ^^; she was gradually giving me stuff for my teeth as she was seeing how bad my teeth were.. sooo i walked out of there today with not 1, not 2, but 3!! tooth brushes (in all different colors ^^), and 2 different kinds of floss, and two things of tooth paste ^^;; and a copy of a article explaining why soda is bad..

and the dentist guy, who was poking and stabbing my teeth, looked like gandalf kinda....

this isn't gandalf..
it's christopher lee in charlie and the chocolate factory ^^;
he's a dentist.... in the movie
"lollipops... what we like to call 'cavities on a stick'."

1 comment:

shanellephant said...

well, looks like yer gonna stay fat then...oops.