the usual complaints
i need money. i need a job. i need a car. ..also i need my surf board repaired... but that's a minor thing since i have no car to get to the beach with... and man it's hot out! okay, that's all...
story time!we don't have a screen on our back door... i don't think we've ever had one actually. sooo we have a problem with critters and things getting into our house when we leave the back door open.
and today i was sitting out in the back yard reading a book (a spanish book i got from the library), enjoying the lovely weather. and i saw this lizard come out of the bushes and start coming towards the door. and i just watched it for a while.. to make sure it wouldn't go in the house... because the door was open. and low and behold it started to make a run for the door. and when it was like a foot away from going in, i threw the book i was reading right into the doorway (i was quite impressed by my good aim actually ^^) and it scared the lizard away. mwahaha
of course i realized i probably shouldn't be throwing my library books around.... but oh well ^^
and that was actually the most exciting part of my day (so far)...
man, i love summer time!
true.. but no hurry. i didn't get my permit till i was 17.. then licence at 18 ^^ cuz i am also lazy.
well, once i go up to washington..i can pretty much get my liscence right away. so there.
and uh..dont make fun. i was sick of the black one and decided that was the one i liked. fine. i'll change it.
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