Monday, July 10, 2006

guess what

went to the beach.. aaagain!! heh, i love summer =)

and this isn't me surfing.. no one took pictures of me today, and that's probably a good thing. why is that, you ask? because 75% of them would be me wipeing out/getting pounded, and the other 25% would be me sitting on the board in the middle of the ocean, looking dumb, going "where did all the waves go?"... surfing is fun though ^_^ even if you kinda suck at it (and don't mind looking like a complete idiot/n00b here and there)

cheers ♥


shanellephant said...

beach! fun! i sat around like a fat lard(as chris would say)all day. yup. seriously..what is a noob? i confused.

mel said...

noob/n00b = someone who lacks skill (usually used in games) - as opposed to "newb" which just means you're new to something ^^
and the 0's just make it cool :P lol.. you'll get it one day!!

Jess said...

hey are we pb and jammin thursday finally?