Thursday, July 27, 2006

well not that anyone cares, but i just wanted to comment that the bruse on my leg (which i got from surfing on monday) hurts like heck.. and it's spread out.. like it used to be the size of kansas.. and now it's texas XD plus it's purple and blue and black and green and yellow and red!! now isn't that fun to know ^_^

and now a cute, random picture!


mel said...

yeah.. cept you hated it when it was alive :P

and please go here: a much needed grammar lesson <3

shanellephant said...

hahahahahahahahahahaha. melissa you crack me up. aww. how sad though. poor ell. but it is needed i must agree. cousin had a rabbit named onion. well, one day, while at his house, i decided to NICELY pet said rabbit. well, said rabbit decided to NICELY turn its head and sniff me. awwww how cute. THEN! said rabbit decides to eat me. really it only bit me but still...a freaking rabbit BIT ME!!! i thought they eat like carrots and lettuce and stuff..? no no. onion ate HUMANS!!

moral of the story...i tell meaningless stories while having impeccible grammar AND spelling...yaaay. go me.