so lets pretend i'm a cookie...
You Are a Black and White Cookie |
![]() You're often conflicted in life, and you feel pulled in two opposite directions. When you're good, you're sweet as sugar. And when you're bad, you're wicked! |
You Are a Black and White Cookie |
![]() You're often conflicted in life, and you feel pulled in two opposite directions. When you're good, you're sweet as sugar. And when you're bad, you're wicked! |
see, my mom see's this doctor up in beverly hills who uses "natural medacine stuff" annd she's pretty into that, so she goes to see him every year. and this time she was all "hey, wanna come to the doctor with me? you can go shopping on rodeo (row-'day-oh) drive while i'm doing that!" suuuure :)
hahaha. i forgot how much i hate going to LA. and long car rides.
soo yeah. got up early this morning, rode in the car for 2 and a half hours.. i'll spare you the boring details. finally got there and i was like "holy cow! every other car is a mercedes or a BMW!!!" no joke! XD it's insaaane!! there were like 5 BMWs in a row.. and a saw some ferraris and lamborghinis too :D actually being driven! that was neat.. you rarely see them being driven around where i live XD they just sit on display in shops or whatever...
saw lots of interesting people too. you get all types there. rich people. poor people. poor people who try to look rich. rich people who try to look poor...yeah. it's cool. and of course all the people who hang out there simply to "get discovered" by some movie producer or modeling agent. some guy standing on the sidewalk tried to make me listen to his CD.. said something about ill wish i had when he's famous? yeah kay crazy. i can't remember his name, so i'll never know.
none of the fancy, expensive shops really appealed to me.. the only one that came close to being cool was guess... and i didn't even know that was what it was till i went out. yeah so i guess i could never be in fashion... cuz i don't like name brands? or know them... infact i can't pronouce half of them when i see them!!! and you shouldn't wear what you can't pronounce. ever! or eat for that matter. pronunication is important. so is spelling, but i think i just killed it back there. dang.
ANYWAY!! i don't think i saw any movie stars.. oh well. mom's appointment ended at like 2 PM, so we were gonna go to one of the little cafes on camden or rodeo for lunch.. buut they were all real crowded (go figure). so we decided to go to a certain mall to eat.. so. 3 hours later!!!!!!!! who has lunch at 5 PM? oh, i do. and we actually passed like 2 other malls.. but she wanted to go to this certain one. but what was cool was that i was wanting wendy's (i like wendy's). and she was all "oh come on, you can get wendy's any time!" (no, not really mom).. and then we got to the mall and right on the front there was a big wendy's sign XD wendy's!! in the mall! am i lucky or what! hahaha. so yeah, ate my deeeelicous jr. cheese burger delux, and then shopped around a bit.. didn't buy anything all day though... save for food of course. heh.
and yeah.. i guess that's really the most exciting parts... that i can remember. saw the street corner for sunset and camden...from singin' in the rain.. but i guess i'm the only one who would care about that :) hehe
well, my boss wants me to work full time now, while i'm not in school... oy. oh and he finally paid me today after forgetting the past two weeks (and considering i only get paid once a month, that's not good..) i guess i have the time to work full time... the thing is do i have the motivation to actually sit down and work for 40+ hours a week... i barely make the goal i have now.. but only because i spend a lot of time drawing and doing stuff i enjoy...and i wouldn't really call the work i do exciting.. so yeah. this should be interesting. it would definately help me be able to pay for a car quicker though. i just wouldn't have any time to mess around. and messing around is like my favorite passtime XD lol.. oh well. guess i could be a workaholic... maybe.
a good example of photomanipulation to look like a cat... (someone's ID off of deviantart. not mine XD)
if you can't see the picture here's a link:
sometimes it seems like people are mad at me... and i don't know why?
annyway... enjoying playing with my tablet ^_^ heh.. and i managed to get a little work done too.
still not looking forward to going back to school.. just the thought of it makes me sleepy XD lol..
and my gosh.. i can't believe it's almost the end of the year AGAIN!! yikes..
yeah i really don't have anything important to say... just felt like saying something... soo yeah.
yeah i'm pretty much freaking out XD lol..
i got a TABLET for my buuurfdaaay!! chris is probably the only one who will really appreciate that fact. if you don't know what a tablet is then i'm sorry. educate yourself; google it. it's a wacom intuos3 4x5. know what that means? THAT IT'S FLIPPIN AWESOME!!!! XD
so now i'm pretty much gonna take over the world. i've been playing with it for like the past 5 hours. and it came with a bunch of programs, liiiike photoshop elements 4.0 (2 whole levels up from my old one! w00t! lol..) and painter, and some photo editing program that i probably won't use... so yeah. way cool. i'm excited :) who cares that it's about the only thing i got.. save for 5 whole dollars from my grandparents (they love me so ♥) and a few other neat little things.. :)
anywhoo, i'm off to go draw more stuff with MY TABLET!! *squeals in techy-girl delight* i probably won't get ANYTHING done the next few days. and i don't care XD
happy burfday to mee.
nineteen. my last year as a teenager... or so everyone keeps telling me. mentally i'm still 12.
doesn't really feel like it's my birthday. i remember as a kid it was like the best thing ever. after christmas. or maybe better cuz it's just for me? now i'm like "oh yeah... i guess my birthday is coming up huh?" and then i forget till the next person says something. i haven't had a birthday party in so long.. i don't think i've ever had a surprise party...that i can remember? that might be cool...
anyway... i should be sleeping.. because i have to go to work in the morning.. cuz i'm an adult or something.. i think i've complained about this before: i turn 18 and they say "congrats, you're an adult now! you get to be responsible and stuff!" and then i want to do something and they say "no, you aren't REALLY an adult until you are 21." ...........yeeeeah.... what's with that?!! i guess i'm having an identity crisis XD lol
one night with the king is a good movie. a lot better than i was expecting. you should definitely go see it if you can :)
today i learned something VERY important.
i do, infact, get very very sea sick.
mmhmm. of course i didn't know this when i payed $50 to go deep sea fishing with my chuch. how could i? i've never been fishing before. *all gasp* yep. and since i'm all about trying new things and all that jazz, off i went!
got up at 4 AM. yaaaay. waited for everyone on the dock forever. 6 PM: board a little ship, with liiike 25 or so other people - all of whom i more-or-less know, save for the ship's crew.
was doing pretty good, ship took off, rode at the front of the boat for a while.. saw the sun rise and stuff. then had to go to the capitan's little spot to sign some paper (incase i die). didn't even make it half way when i started feeling sick. so i got the bright idea to maybe take some of my sister's motion sickness medacine (too bad the directions said to take it an hour before you go..) so yeah. i'll spare you the disgusting details and just say that i spent the next 3 hours over the side of the railing.. good times.
then the boat stopped so everyone could fish (boat stopping on moving ocean = not good for melissa). and i got kicked out of my spot by the rail... apparently fishing is more important than me dying. yeah. freaking miserable. i seriously thought i was gonna die. tried sitting up top to get out of the way (plus my legs where hurting from standing at the rail).. but yeah, going to the top = stupid idea. was so sick i had to have help getting down to a part of the boat that wasn't rocking as much. which was the place where everyone tossed their backpacks.. stayed there for the rest of the trip, just had to move whenever someone needed their stuff. and movment of any kind made me sick.. so i was throwing up like every 15 minutes... after a while they made me eat just so i'd have something to throw up... XD
i was sooo happy when they finally said we were heading back and we'd be there in 2 hours. so happy, in fact, that i threw up some more. yaaay. i swear i threw up like 50 times. lost track after 10 times.. and that was only around like 9 AM... and the thing went till 3:30 PM. you can do the math.
oh and everyone caught yucky looking fish and a good time was had by all. save for me, and the few other "landlubbers" who spent most of the trip leaning over the rail. i couldn't even hold the fishing poll i felt so bad.. so i guess technically i still haven't gone fishing. but i know i'll probably never do it again either!
the room is still rocking back and forth.... bleeehhh.
does this really merit a blog post? no, not really... i know someone who was born on friday the 13th... he's a strange kid.
anyway. it's supposed to rain here tomorrow. on the day we're going fishing. at friggin 5 am. what's with that?
kinda frustraited. i can't draw today. or last night. or this week. or last week. why? i just can't. i know what i want to draw, but it doesn't come out how i want. meh.
i keep forgetting my about my birthday. people will say something about it and i'm like "oh yeah that's next week, huh?" heh..
and now everyone is talking about getting sea sick. yaaay. such lovely stuff to hear about.. i don't plan on getting sick. but the rain thing kinda sucks...
anyway.. i'd better get to work. weeeee
oy. longest day of my life. sooo happy to be home... cept now i'm going out again...after this.
went to work this morning. soooo boring. i hate trying to figure out stuff that doesn't make any sense to begin with. and glad i get paid this weekend. i spent most of my cash today. after work we went to lunch and to a movie. greek place... eh. then saw all the king's men. holy. freaking. cow. longest 2 hours of my life, i swear. nothing could possibly describe how badly i wanted that movie to be over. ughhhh! politics and drama. spare me. i have a massive headache. ah, life... politics are for sure not my thing. i'm glad other people are into that.. or else we'd be in bad shape. just so they take care of it so i don't have to i'm good.
anyway... yeah i'm done talking.
sunday night:
-went to bed at 10 PM
-woke up at 5 AM
-decided that was too early and slept till about 9 AM
monday night:
-went to bed at 4 AM
-was woken up around 6 AM to take out the trash before the trash truck came, because i forgot to take it out the night before. (because for some reason my dad couldn't do it even though he was up?) soo there i was in my plaid flannel pajama pants and an over-sized sweatshirt, on 2 hours of sleep, knocking down spider webs with HUGE spiders in them.
like this ------------------------------------ big. and dragging out the trash cans that are 3 times as big as me...while all the kids are walking to school. i may have scared one or two..
-went back to bed and slept till 1 PM
jeeeez. i have the most messed up sleeping schedule EVER.
no actually i had a lot to do.. i think i was more just putting off working (which i did today, so it's okay) but yeah... i finally re-did my walls! (all 1 and a half of them. yay for sharing a room!) but yeah.. i guess if you're turning 19 you shouldn't have DBZ stickers and stuff up still... haha.
BEFORE: wish i had taken some pictures before i changed my bedspread too. then it would be a HUGE difference! you can't really see the majority of the wall (i mean you can't anyway because pictures litterally cover every inch. but you can't see the wall i'm gonna change here). this was just supposed to be a picture of my new quilt
thingie :D
AFTER: took down all the pictures and started over. made the net thingie higher. spread the pictures out more (didn't put a lot of the old ones back up). turned my bulletin board horizontal rather than virtical.. just to switch it up a little. then i put up a bunch o crap i bought from ikea (i ♥ IKEA) some lanterns that i've wanted since i was like 14, some little mirrors, some neat postcard-looking travel picture thingies, annnd i also got some bamboo. but you can't really see it...i'm not finished with putting up pictures... i'm hoping to get a chance to buy some posters... that way it's not all small pictures like before.. heh.
decorating is fun :D
what is worse? being bored to the point where you want to kill yourself? or busy and overwhelmed to the point where you want to kill yourself? thankfully i'm neither! ;P haha.
though i am feeling extremely busy these days... it's weird. cuz i'm not even in school right now. (but i don't even want to think about that) but yeah, at work everyone is really busy doing all sorts of things, so stuff gets delegated to me all the time, right? and basically someone came up with this great idea that they didn't know how to do. it's tough, we don't understand how it will work, but it's brilliant "hey, lets give it to melissa to be in charge of!" sooo now i'm trying to figure out how to do something no one else has ever been able to do in the history of internet. and i can't even begin to explain it! yaaay. typing up really long e-mails, giving assignments to bunches of people twice my age, and keeping track of huuuuge lists of stuff... working till 12:30 at night, existing off of eggo waffle cereal and advil... i feel so grown up ;_; ahaha.
aside from that, i went to the wild animal park today. i remember seeing all of 3 animals. no joke. they are so spread out there it's amazing you see any. (of course it doesn't help that we missed the tram thingie) but i'll tell you what i did see! BIRDS. 84,930,726 freaking different types of BIRDS!!!! bleh. also i met the giant catfish from hell, who shall from here on be refered to as "JAWS". but lets not talk about that... oh and there was his distant cousin the killer ninja grasshopper. elliott and i almost had heart attacks. me from shock and him from laughing at me. what a good friend.
oh but good times where had by all! mainly involving elliott's camera.
*ahem* thank you for your time. that is all.
apparently i'm a week ahead of myself... because i seriously thought tonight was next wave and this saturday was fishing... silly me, i'm all confused.
i added more stuff to my shop today.. liike these niffty little sushi...things...?cute, no? you can see them here at my shop ..among other things... now i just need more people to buy stuff... hahaha