Friday, October 27, 2006

well, today i went on a lovely road trip... sorta.

see, my mom see's this doctor up in beverly hills who uses "natural medacine stuff" annd she's pretty into that, so she goes to see him every year. and this time she was all "hey, wanna come to the doctor with me? you can go shopping on rodeo (row-'day-oh) drive while i'm doing that!" suuuure :)
hahaha. i forgot how much i hate going to LA. and long car rides.
soo yeah. got up early this morning, rode in the car for 2 and a half hours.. i'll spare you the boring details. finally got there and i was like "holy cow! every other car is a mercedes or a BMW!!!" no joke! XD it's insaaane!! there were like 5 BMWs in a row.. and a saw some ferraris and lamborghinis too :D actually being driven! that was neat.. you rarely see them being driven around where i live XD they just sit on display in shops or whatever...
saw lots of interesting people too. you get all types there. rich people. poor people. poor people who try to look rich. rich people who try to look poor...yeah. it's cool. and of course all the people who hang out there simply to "get discovered" by some movie producer or modeling agent. some guy standing on the sidewalk tried to make me listen to his CD.. said something about ill wish i had when he's famous? yeah kay crazy. i can't remember his name, so i'll never know.
none of the fancy, expensive shops really appealed to me.. the only one that came close to being cool was guess... and i didn't even know that was what it was till i went out. yeah so i guess i could never be in fashion... cuz i don't like name brands? or know them... infact i can't pronouce half of them when i see them!!! and you shouldn't wear what you can't pronounce. ever! or eat for that matter. pronunication is important. so is spelling, but i think i just killed it back there. dang.
ANYWAY!! i don't think i saw any movie stars.. oh well. mom's appointment ended at like 2 PM, so we were gonna go to one of the little cafes on camden or rodeo for lunch.. buut they were all real crowded (go figure). so we decided to go to a certain mall to eat.. so. 3 hours later!!!!!!!! who has lunch at 5 PM? oh, i do. and we actually passed like 2 other malls.. but she wanted to go to this certain one. but what was cool was that i was wanting wendy's (i like wendy's). and she was all "oh come on, you can get wendy's any time!" (no, not really mom).. and then we got to the mall and right on the front there was a big wendy's sign XD wendy's!! in the mall! am i lucky or what! hahaha. so yeah, ate my deeeelicous jr. cheese burger delux, and then shopped around a bit.. didn't buy anything all day though... save for food of course. heh.

and yeah.. i guess that's really the most exciting parts... that i can remember. saw the street corner for sunset and camden...from singin' in the rain.. but i guess i'm the only one who would care about that :) hehe


shanellephant said...

oh i for sure care! i love that flippin flappin movieeee. my gramma is in it. well, my gramma's name is jean[nie] kelly and his is gene kelly so it all works out. yo mama's so can see her feet on her driver's license.

Johnny said...

yay adventure! funny how doing not too much all day can still wear you out XD

and wendy's is awesome. Maybe I should tell m y mom that I should start seeing that doctor just to see the cars and have an adventure :P