Monday, December 11, 2006

80's rockstar barbie called. she wants her hair back

i'm sorry but seriously?! why do we call this fashion? no one in their right mind would EVER wear these things in public. they are rediculous if not utterly HIDEOUS!! maybe artsy, but impractical - unless you live in a circus.

i give you: exhibit A and exhibit B and exhibit C (it's like a bad cosplay).
apparently strangely colored, "i-just-got-laid" frumpy looking hair is in... somewhere in the world. oh yes. actually i'm pretty sure it isn't and they just want people to try to look like that so they can laugh at how messed up they look...

what you wear and do with your hair should at least make you look good. why else would we bother wearing it?! if i can't even figure out how to put it on then i see no point. and don't get me wrong, i do like some fashion stuff. and i'm not saying i get it right all the time myself... but come on! this stuff here is supposed to be professional!!

but i guess if anything it has entertainment value. because i like to just look at it and laugh.

and laughing is always good. go ahead, look through those links and laugh some more :)

p.s. here's more. i guess i might sound mean... because you can tell these people are really excited about it and stuff. but personally i think they put most of this stuff together in the dark.

1 comment:

shanellephant said...

exhibit a = my dress. exhibit b = my face. exhibit c = my hair..and face. thank you for tearing me down. it took me like 15.87 seconds of my life to achieve those looks. but..g'head. make fun of me. JERK.