Monday, December 18, 2006

[sarcasm] happy holidays! [/sarcasm]

well, i've been sick all weekend... but still managed to do everything i had to do. play lead keyboard for the sunday morning service. which actually went alright. then played piano for the primetimers christmas caroling thing at the nursing home. man i did sooo bad at that. i really should have just stopped playing when i got lost.. but no, i kept going.. and it sounded terrible. =.=;; also did the christmas light thing. yay for "being monopolized"! lol...because i'm a commodity? kay but really, sorry for not sitting up by everyone else. i will try to be more sociable next time.
also, i think i'm bad at talking to people. i say regular stuff that isn't meant to be offensive at all and people get all offended? *sigh* i need to take classes on how to socialize or something.. on second thought, that's lame. maybe i'll go live in a cave!
so yeah, i'm still sick... coughing, sneezing, runny (more like pouring) nose, sore throat, the whole bit. and with one week till christmas to do the other 70% of my christmas shopping. horray. when i get a car i am going to get all my christmas shopping early!!

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